We provide a full range of advisory services across private and public companies, private investors, and non-profit organizations, helping them grow their business presence in the U.S., Latin America, and Spain.

We provide access to:

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High net-worth clients

From the U.S., Latin America, and Spain

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Trusted third-party services

Compliance, tax advisory, economic research, financing, fund managers, etc.

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High net-worth clients

From the U.S., Latin America, and Spain

+ 0

Trusted third-party services

Compliance, tax advisory, economic research, financing, fund managers, etc.

+ 0

Multifamily Offices and Financial institutions

Global and local financial services firms

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Years of experience within the industry

10 in Spain + 10 in the U.S., and Latin America

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Multifamily Offices and Financial institutions

Global and local financial services firms

+ 0

Years of experience within the industry

10 in Spain + 10 in the U.S., and Latin America

+ 0

Private investors

Access to more than $ 12 billion in assets under management

Cristina Campabadal, CEO of CCGA has worked for: